World leader in marine microalgae production
Always one step ahead

R&D Projects


    The TetraFood project intends to bring into market marine microalgae-based functional foods and food supplements for the prevention of chronic diseases

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  • Miracles

    MIRACLES is an industry-driven R&D and innovation project aimed at developing integrated, multiple-product biorefinery technologies for the production of specialties from microalgae for application in food, aquaculture and non-food products.

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    DEGRANOS is an Innterconecta CDTI project.
    The project is about technological development for the revaluation of byproducts from the industry of cereals and pulses.

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    Study on biotechnologies with marine microalgae for diverse agro-food applications

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R&D Projects: Algae4A-B

Algae4A-B is an EU RISE (Research and Innovation Staff Exchange) project from Horizon 2020- Research and Innovation Framework Programme. With number 691102

ALGAE4A-B (ALGAE For Aquaculture and Beauty) project seeks to exploit the microalgae diversity, as a source for state-of-the art high-added-value biomolecules in aquaculture and cosmetics.


The diversification of microalgae biomass production towards two independent applications will allow the microalgae industry to gain access to alternative markets in an uncertain, highly competitive and fast changing commercial environment.


The project will combine both basic and applied multidisciplinary research in the fields of –omics technologies, biochemistry and applied biotechnology.


The partners of the project are:

Centre National de rechreches scientific (CNRS) - Cermav, France

Fitoplancton Marino SL, Spain

Agricultural University of Athens, Greece  

IFAPA, Junta de Andalucía, Spain
Apivita SA, Greece

Centro de Ciencias do Mar (CCMAR), Universidad do Algarve, Portugal

Life Sequencing, Spain
